Rat-borne disease leptospirosis now killing dogs in New Jersey quoting : CBS News

CBS New York reports that at least three dogs died and two others were sickened by the disease in northern New Jersey. PARAMUS, N.J. -- Health officials in New Jersey are warning pet owners about a deadly disease that is passed through rats. Veterinarians in the state say they have seen a rise in the number of dogs who have contracted leptospirosis this year. Authorities warn pet owners to be mindful at dog parks. But the New Jersey Health Department says there are currently no known human cases of leptospirosis in the state.

Rat-borne disease leptospirosis now killing dogs in New Jersey
"Preventing the introduction of chronic wasting disease in New York state is among DEC's top wildlife priorities. Since 2002, DEC has tested more than 40,000 wild white-tailed deer for CWD. In 2005, CWD was found in captive and wild white-tailed deer in Oneida County. DEC has an interagency CWD response plan with the Department of Agriculture and Markets if the disease is detected in either captive cervids or wild white-tailed deer or moose. There are no documented cases of CWD infecting humans, but DEC urges caution when handling or processing CWD-susceptible animals.

Deadly bacterial disease spreading among dogs in Northern New Jersey

"The sooner you start the antibiotic treatment, the better the chances for a good outcome,," Dr. Davidson said. "The disease is definitely present in our area," said Dr. Benjamin Davidson, of BluePearl Veterinary Partners hospital in Paramus. A potentially deadly disease is spreading among dogs in Northern New Jersey, officials said Monday, and veterinary groups are warning owners to be aware of the symptoms and to take steps to keep their pets safe.At least five dogs in Paramus have been diagnosed with a bacterial disease called leptospirosis, which doctors say can be fatal disease and can be transmitted to humans. "That's why it's important to keep an eye on your dog and get to the veterinarian at the first sign of trouble." If your dog contracts the disease, doctors recommend that owners visit a physician.

collected by :Lucy William

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